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Written By Bayu_Tecno™ on Minggu, 18 Desember 2011 | 01.49

The location  is  in Belinyu area , north Bangka  77 km from Sungailiat. In this beach the tourists can  see  a sunset fenomenal.  Because this location is  face  to west.  All beach have 4 km distance.  If we go to this beach we can see white and soft sand here. this beach have a pure water like crystal.

Remodong Beach is located in the village of Hill of word, sub-district Belinyu Bangka.The location of these beaches about 77 km from the city Sungailiat. To visit Remodang Village, visitors will pass through a “gate” which is made of natural stone, as if into animaginary world. Approximately 600 m from the stone gate, there is a very beautifull beach and clean white sand and dense, with sea water blue waves of soft, distant cool. The beach is approximately 500 m long, have scattered stones become trimmerpanorama of the beach. Remodong Beach was in the middle of the Gulf Kelabat. From this coast, inland districts of West Bangka dim.
The beach is approximately 500 m long, have scattered stones become trimmer  panorama of the beach. Remodong Beach was in the middle of the Gulf Kelabat. From this coast, inland districts of West Bangka dim.

Lokasinya berada di daerah Belinyu, Bangka utara, sekitar 77 km dari Sungailiat. Di pantai ini, para wisatawan dapat menyaksikan peristiwa terbenamnya matahari. Ini dikarenakan lokasi pantainya yang menghadap ke Barat. Panjang keseluruhan pantai mencapai 4 km. Lautnya landai, berpasir putih dan halus. Airnya bening bak kristal.
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