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Indonesia Wayang original art

Written By Bayu_Tecno™ on Senin, 27 Februari 2012 | 13.15

Indonesia Wayang original art | Puppet (WAYANG) is a performing arts thriving native Indonesia in Java and Bali.UNESCO, in charge of cultural institutions of the United Nations, on 7 November 2003 set as the wayang shadow puppet show of the famous Indonesia, a world heritage priceless masterpiece in the art speak (Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity).Actually, puppet shows not only in Indonesia. Many countries have a puppet show.

However, performing shadow puppet (wayang) in Indonesia has its own style of speech and keunikkan, which is a genuine masterpiece of Indonesia.And to put it into the UNESCO's World Heritage List in 2003.There was no evidence to suggest wayang existed before Hinduism spread in South Asia. It is estimated performing arts brought in by Indian traders. However, the local genius, culture that existed before the entry of Hindus together with the development of performing arts coming to give its own color on the performing arts in Indonesia.Until now, the early records that can be obtained about puppet shows from inscriptions Balitung in Century 4, which reads "the Galigi mawayang".

When the Hindu religion in Indonesia and adjust the existing culture, art show to be an effective medium to spread the Hindu religion, where puppet shows using the story of Ramayana and Mahabharata.Similarly, when the advent of Islam, when the show featuring "God" or "God" in human form is prohibited, came the puppets made of cowhide, which is now just a shadow watched the show alone, we now know as shadow puppets.To propagate, grow well Sadat puppets that introduce Islamic values.Even when the Catholic missionary, Father Timotheus L.Wignyosubroto SJ in 1960 in its mission to spread the Catholic religion to develop Puppet Revelation, which is the source of the story comes from the Bible. 


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